
This carousel contains photos that have been released by their photographers to Probus clubs in Canada for use on their own websites, in their newsletters, or with their marketing material.

How to step through the slideshow

When you bring your cursor over the initial photo, you should see little arrows overlaying the left and right side of the photo. Click on either to move to the next or previous photo.

On touchscreens, a tap on the photo should bring up these arrows as well.

How to download photos of interest

On a desktop or laptop computer, right-click with your mouse or touchpad on the photo you want to download. You should see a list of options pop up, one of which will be to Save as ... Follow the instructions to get a local copy on your computer. 

You could also open this link for a listing and change to a thumbnail view (Grid layout) in the top right corner.

Add your own photos

Didn't find what you were looking for? Do you have a great photo you would be willing to share with the Probus community? Do you have a friend who is a great photographer? Please help us get high quality photos that showcase our awesome organization!

Photo submission form

We invite all Probus members to pick up their camera or phone to capture the best in Probus. Show their happy faces, in interesting settings, doing fun things, and with gorgeous colours!

Selected photos will be available for use by clubs and PROBUS Canada. We don't look for quantity but for quality. Some guidelines for submitting a photo:

The form requires a Google account, e.g.